Tuesday, September 30, 2008
my journal entry
Yesterday we sold the TV. It was a bittersweet feeling. We have some money now, which of course is actually spoken for b/c we have to pay for Raym’s truck to be fixed and for new tires, and for the van to get new brakes and an oil change. Going through this trial is an incredibly huge learning curve for me. I am realizing my vulnerabilities, my pridefulness and a couple of weaknesses :) I wish I had a mom. I know have a mom, but she is more of a birth mother than a real mother. She doesn’t call me. She would say well you don’t call me. True. Why would I want to call someone who I have never felt connected too, who doesn’t actually know me or really care too for that matter. It interesting though what my lack of relationship with mother does for me in regards to my relationship with my own children. I don’t want to push my children away. I want to be humble enough to learn from them. To be vulnerable enough to let them hold me sometimes. And allow them the freedom to love me even on days I am not so fond of myself.
I feel like I am finally getting the husband I always knew I had. Ray and I have had rough start in every way it seems like. But we are praying together. We talk. Really talk. Raym is being 120,000% honest with. I am sad about the things that he wasn’t honest about which brought us to this point we are at. But he has been willing to be humbled. He is trying. And I see the trying. The Lord did as he said he would do in those moments when he would “warn” of what was coming for Raym. We are losing everything. But the “everything” we are losing is only temporal. We haven’t lost each other. We haven’t lost the gospel. I have such a burning in my soul. If I had to live with out all these things for the rest of my mortal life so that my husband and I could continue to grow spiritually, and so that we could always truly have an “eye single to the glory of God”, I would do it. I know one desire that has always been mine is that I never wanted to be distracted from my purposes and goals here in this earth life. I truly want to build my treasures in heaven. I am ok with struggles. I am ok with being humbled. It isn’t necessarily always easy, but the things you learn. The insights, the blessings, the peace and the love of my heavenly Father always out weigh the momentary sadness I feel during a trial. I want to live with my Heavenly Father again. I want to be worthy to stand in the presence of my Savior and I really will do whatever it takes here in this earth life to do that.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
An Answer
Friday, September 26, 2008
Second chances
my scriptures
the temple
my baby Ray
Lelec - Alexa
my Ray of sunshine
unanswered prayers
holding my kids close at night when they are asleep
mashed potatoes
home cooked meals
diapers that don't leak
porch swings
playing soccer with my husband
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
That would be a "NO"
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
School is in session
I love Aspen's desk. I bought in PA about 5 years ago. I love old school desks.
Alora's 'corner'. School and Alora go hand and hand. She kept saying, "I can't believe I have my VERY own desk". I wondered if she thought you had to be the oldes to have a desk. Her's is another old desk. I bought that one in Boston.
baby Ray has his school as well with the girls. On this particular day he was practicing using scissors. And Alexa was perfecting her skill of just being cute.
Utah State Fair
get eggs from some chickens
Then we headed to look at the animals. Aspen has been telling me everyday how she wants to have a farm. So this fair just added fuel to the dream.
This chicken...yes it is a chicken...a very FLUFFY chicken...was my favorite!!!
LOVE!!!! This bunny...they were selling for pocket change.... $100 :)
at the end of the day we splurged for all you can eat ice cream from the dairy farmers of Utah...you can't eat as much as you think...but what we could eat was delicious!!!!!!!!!!
just a cute picture of these fire cracker cousins
Last Swim?
How did they know?
What AndraƩ Means
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality.You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The will power of a 3 year old
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
All by herself
It would often take a second or twenty to get the food on the spoon, and then inevitably something would leap from the spoon on to the tray where it would later be smashed beyond recognition.
A good day
Something interesting about myself I am learning. Actually I think I have always known it but couldn't accept it. I can't be something I am not. For example. I felt guilty this summer b/c so many of the things we did I didn't post about. I was going through some hard things with Raym, and I couldn't pretend that I was happy. I could probably fake it a little better over the phone, but when I am writing, that opens up these truth flood gates that just won't stop. So I am embracing it. And the child screaming at me from her upstairs bedroom.
Today was a good day. I woke up with a "oh my gosh, I just opened my soul to the world" exposed feeling. Ray said what I wrote was intense. I apologize if it was. I felt like I was hiding behind my thoughts. I didn't want to anymore. I was reading this ladies blog who, of course I found through someone else's blog , and she had opened her blog to public. I asked myself why mine was private. It was the vulnerability thing. I was afraid that someone wouldn't like what they read, and that I couldn't live up to "their" expectations of what a blog could be. I felt so strongly to write after those thoughts, to tell and to share. So I did. I let it flow. And it flowed for a while :) But I realized something as I was writing and as my day went on and as I write now. For me to learn about who I am, I can't put any expectations on it. I have to let myself be me, and love every part of it. I think loving every part of myself will help me better love others and all their emotional parts. It will help me to really love them.
So back to the good day. Ray and I have been working out together in the mornings. We take the kids to the park down the street and while they play at the park we work out on the soccer field. We have our own version of boot camp. We run lines a couple of different ways. We do agility drills with and without the soccer ball. We use resistance bands. We do lunges and we do abs. It has been fun, hard, but fun. This morning before our work, we ran for nine minutes together. A consistent nine minutes, HUGE for us :) Then we headed to DI for some shopping. I am not a thrift store gal. I like to walk in, namely Target, get what I want walk out. My kids clothes are pretty basic. I am not a shopper! It took longer than I would have liked, but the girls are happy and baby Ray found a bumblebee shirt he will now wear until it becomes his new skin. Then we headed to grab some groceries, which is yet another humbling experience because it is a courtesy of the church. The first time I was in there I could feel the spirit so strong. I knew the Lord didn't want me to be embarrassed about being in there b/c it was established for one of the vary reasons I was there. We are broke! Luckily we had school this morning before the work out, and the kids took naps in the car while we ran errands.
As I write though I feel so good inside. I don't think every post will be a mile long, but who knows with the way my mind works. I will take it though. I will take my life and have fun with it because it is mine.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Who I am
Last January I decided I wanted to run half marathon. I started jogging. I got shin splints. I rested and started again. But the shin splints came back, worse this time. I felt frustrated. I prayed and asked to know what to do. I really wanted to race. I wanted to run. Not to long after we went to see a documentary on marathoning. As I sat and watched I was overcome with the spirit. I felt the Lord gently whisper to me, "You have already run your marathon. You actually ran two." I cried. I knew what the Lord was talking about. My healings. Going through life prior to each of them was very much like a marathon. I then felt the Lord say "you have crossed your finish line. It is time to stop running." The tears flowed. I have been "running" my whole life. I didn't know how to not "run". I knew the Lord was asking me to live. To live right now. This wave of relief and panic came over me. Relief because I felt validated. Panic because I had no idea how to live.
I started praying about my feelings that night. The insights that have come have been incredible. The Lord asked me to give up a lot though. He asked me to forgo my idealistic thoughts of how my house should look, what kind of schedule I should keep, to let go of temporal perfection. He has asked me to think about my children and my husband more, and not just think about them but internalize them, to connect to them spirit to spirit. In May Ray lost his job and for a time I was distracted with once again surviving.
When I go for my walks I pray. Sometimes I am not paying attention and I start talking out loud. During the month of June my prayers were about Raym and the things he (and I) were going through. How do I support him? How do I love him? Help me to know how to handle all of this. The Lord told me I had a monumental choice. He said I had two choices actually. I could be bitter. I could be prideful. I could continue down my road of survival. Or I could chose a higher road. I could change with Ray. Not only could I forgive him, support him and love him, but I could look with in myself and find those things that were prideful inside of me and overcome them. Somewhere along my journey in life I made a decision that I did not ever want to be a reason that another person was held back, primarily my immediate family. I did want to be a stumbling block for another. I told the Lord I would do it. I wanted to know what I needed to change.
I warn you that if you want the Lord to tell you what you are prideful about, be prepared. It is a hard thing when the Lord allows you to see yourself. But it is also a beautiful experience.
I am selfish. Not the the blatant annoying selfish, but the subtle probably undetectable selfish. I actually didn't realize it until one night praying and the Lord brought a situation so clearly to my mind. I was shocked. I was embarrassed. I was ashamed. But even with those sad emotions I knew that the Lord could help me change. He could help take the ME out my life. I think a hard lesson in life to learn is that we aren't as 'important' as we think we are. Divine, yes. If you have ever had a "nothingness" experience, I think you will understand what I am saying. It isn't us that is important, it is our actions, our desires and our thoughts. It is what we do with ourselves that is so important. So often in my scripture study I am brought to verses about forgetting oneself and serving others, or losing oneself to find oneself. I want my day to be less about what I am getting done, and more about what I am doing for others. I want my motivations to be selfless. When I think of folding laundry in the light that I am doing it for my family so that they can have clean clothes etc, I actually enjoy it more. When I approach meal time with the thought of the empty stomachs I am about to feed there is a satisfaction and a calm motivation that follows. I have to remember to forget myself. I have to work at considering the thoughts or concerns of my husband and children, but I am loving it. It is definitely having a beautiful domino affect on our lives.
I am guarded. Ray's sister Abbi got married a week or so ago. There was this happiness there I could not relate too. Abbi is the poster girl for innocence, which is not a bad thing. Innocence I never knew. There were some conversations that I was not excluded from but I felt emotionaly lost from. I knew about sex before I was five. I was the victim of child pornography, and sexual abuse. No one at school told me anything I didn't know. So that giddiness and nervous about what to do that first night. The worries, or the excitement of living with someone. It was all so unfamiliar. I have been healed from the scars, the darkness, all the awful things that comes from abuse. But the healing didn't give me innocence. I longed for it. I sat in a room and wept to my Heavenly Father. Didn't he know I would have lived differently if I knew then what I know now? As I wept I felt his arms around me. He told me that before I came here to this earth, that I knowingly gave that up. That I had 'sacrificed' that knowing the Lord would compensate. But he also told me that I could ever feel innocent again. I pondered on that for some time. When I had the courage to breech the subject again, the Lord asked me to change something I wasn't even aware I was doing. I rely on the Lord, but I leave no room for anyone else. I have a great wall of China around my heart. I love. I love my husband. I love my children. But I realized in that moment I don't let anyone love me. If you ever have been hurt you know this great wall I am speaking of. The Lord asked me to take it down, all of it and to trust again. In that same moment I asked him who would catch me? what if someone hurt me again? what if they don't keep their promises? I can't tell you the exposure, the vulnerability I felt in that moment. I didn't know if I could handle really trusting again. Giving my emotions away only to have them returned used and damaged. I cried that night. I cried all day the next day. My Bishop stopped by that evening. I had talked to him earlier that day, and he said he already knew that he needed to talk to me. I shared with him my thoughts and what the Lord had told me. In those moments we talked I KNEW he was inspired. I know the counsel I received from him was from the Lord. I know that the Lord knows this is hard for me, but I know why he needs me to do it. In my quest to become more vulnerable, and to trust is where I will find my long sought after innocence. This softness I have wanted. As my bishop put it, as I become more vulnerable I can tare away those pieces of me that became crusty and weathered from surviving. I don't want to be rough around the edges, or rough anywhere. I want to be soft. I want to be gentle. Yes I will be hurt again. But never again as before. Life is painful but for me it will never again be excruciating.
I don't know who I am. Really. For so long my "marathon's" defined me. I was a survivor. The Lord has told me to leave that identity behind. He has asked me; what are my dreams? where do I want to go in life? what do I want my legacy to be? I am trying to figure that out. Now don't get me wrong. My favorite color is green. My fav flower is a daisy, and my FAVORITE place is TEXAS!!! But outside of the IM profile I am not sure. I look forward to no longer surviving. It is scary to let go of a wall that protects me, or so I think it does at least :) But I know that if I trust in the Lord and do what he asks, no matter the emotional/spiritual pain, and give up the things he has asked, he can make something of my life that is beyond my dreams.
I love life. I love what the Lord has made of my life so far. I don't think many from childhood or teenage years, well or my early adult years, would recognize me now. I know the Lord as always been mindful of me and he will continue to be. I know that in order to grow, my soil has to be tilled. There are so many weeds that need to be pulled, and some bad roots that need to be removed. I will grow stronger though. I will be fuller and richer. My colors will be brighter. I love this gospel. I love that we have to work at life. I love that all trials are opportunity. I love that Lord humbles us to improve us.
I know my Savior lives. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me. I know that all my prayers are heard and answered. I know that I can go to the Lord about EVERYTHING. I know that there is power and strength gained from daily scripture study. I know in my life there is a purpose.