Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Anniversary

March 19th was Ray and I's 8 year anniversary. I was more emotional this year as I considered where we have been and where we are now. I mentioned to Ray how I wished I could have met him after being healed...and then I realized that we would not be as close as we are now had we not been through all that we had together. He mentioned that not much can replace the growth from a refiner's fire. Not many really know of the intimate details of just how hard things really got for us. Not b/c there was anything "wrong" with our relationship but b/c I was struggling with so much. Ray stood beside me when I know that to so many his leaving would be justifiable. In my own defense I was never a bad wife, but my needs were very very demanding. On several occasions my husband would have to take over completely in our lives b/c I was too depressed to function. He is truly my hero, my everything. Sometimes it is actually surreal to me that he loves 'me'. He loves all those things about me that a woman would ever hope a man would love about her. He notices me and the things I do to try to improve myself and our home. All my life I hoped for what he has given me. I am so grateful to the Lord for preparing him for me and for blessing him with the strength and faith that he would need to endure those first 7 1/2 years. I look forward to spending the rest of forever with the love of my life.

my roses...aren't they beautiful :)


Bonnie said...

Look at you two kids! What a great picture. The time really has flown by. I'm glad you are doing so well. You both deserve it!

Beckie said...

You look completely happy. I am glad you had such a wonderful and meaningful anniversary.