Friday, July 23, 2010

I feel better now. I talked. And then I talked some more. It was a therapy session for free. I have a friend. :) A very dear friend. I met her almost ten years ago. I was pregnant with Aspen. She had loads of baby girl clothes to give away and I believe someone told her about me or told me about her. Anywho. The first time we talked I think we talked for two hours. And it pretty much has been that way ever since. We both have moved all over the country staying in contact, and now we are both settled here in Utah, but I got here first ;) We both homeschool. Not a needed for a friendship, but it has been a blessing. We are able to call each other when we forget why we do it, get discouraged or remember why we do it and just have to share. It is one of those friendships that if we go a month with out talking we truly can just pick up right where we left off. The best part of conversing with this dear friend is that I ALWAYS feel better after talking with her. We share insights and motivating happenings in life. I cashed in today, however, my "therapy session" card. It felt so good to talk about my trip to TN. It was hard for me. I felt lonely and judged and like some how I was wrong for being me. I feel better though now. I feel heard. The great thing about my dear friend, let's call her Beckie :) is that if I am wrong about something she will tell me. I like that kind of honesty. She is encouraging, inspiring, funny and offers the fluffiness that I lack in my life. And for the record her name is Beckie, but that isn't her birth name, just something else I like about that girl :)

1 comment:

Beckie said...

You are so awesome! It goes both ways you know. I don't think I have ever gotten off the phone without feeling motivated and grateful for our friendship. Your the best, and thank heavens for Amy Fairbanks making a simple comment about the new girl in the ward that was expecting a baby girl....