Friday, November 5, 2010

I would say that nothing is happening in my life, but from the outside looking in that could very well not be true.

Everyday I homeschool my children. Every day I believe I say the same things; "please unload the dishwasher", "the school room and living room need to be picked up", etc. Every morning before actually doing anything I listen to the same music. First "As Sisters in Zion, We will bring the world his truth" medley and then the Reflections of Christ cd. I will only sit and listen to the first few songs and then get up and make breakfast or whatever while listening to the rest. I try to clear my head of my doubts and negative thoughts. I try to see my life through the Lord's eyes for that moment each day. I usually pray while sitting there that I will not be so caught up in what I want to get done that I miss what needs to be done. I never want to miss a moment to teach or nurture my children outside of their secular needs. My girls usually start their school work before I am done getting ready for the day. Once I am ready I sit with baby Ray and we do math and work on letters. He catches on really fast. He loves me reading to him and I love how intently he listens. The girls will ask questions about their work and sometimes I have to help them. Alora and I will read together at some point. She and baby Ray will both work on hand writing together. I like when she helps him work on a letter or a number. Usually Alexa will jump in and ask to learn something so either I will help her or one of the older girls will 'teach' her for a minute then get back to their work. Arwyn either naps or plays while we do school. She is often in some one's lap benefiting from their reading or 'helping' them do math.

Some where in there we have lunch. Some days it is an actual meal; i.e. mac and cheese with nuggets and salad or some veggie. Other days it is sandwiches, or cereal or left overs. The kids want hot chocolate for lunch today :) Some times we watch Matlock for an after noon flick. Ray's grandma would be proud. Usually by three we are officially done with everyone and their school.

It's a free for all after that. Maybe I take a nap. Maybe the kids have more chores to do. Maybe Ray is home and we run errands or play together. Some evenings there is a dance class for Alora, or horse lessons for Aspen, or the fam is going to the arena for roping and riding with neighbors.

Dinner is usually Ray's time to shine. He has been our newly assigned cook and he does a great job. Enchilada's, tator tot casserole, soups and desserts all courtesy of skills he has acquired from working with ShirleyJ.

Bedtime is crazy. Almost laughable. There is always a measure of confusion as if it the first time they have ever gone to bed :) We read scriptures and have family prayer and then each child gets a short story read to them in their respective rooms; baby Ray, the little girls and the big girls. People usually surface to "ask" something "really quick". Sometimes I wonder if they are just checking to make sure we didn't skip out on them :)

Ray and I will retire at some point to our room where we talk. I usually talk more than more him, but we both talk. We discuss the next day, things that happened during the day, our likes dislikes about different things or even our ideas about our life or ideas in general. We like to dream together about where life will take us, what could happen or not, and sometimes we dream big and ask questions to each other like "what if you had ___?" or "if you could live anywhere?".

He always falls asleep first. I usually read Jesus the Christ or my scriptures again to help clear my head and prepare me for a restful slumber, sometimes I write in my journal if I didn't earlier that morning. Sometimes because Ray is asleep I will talk out loud to Heavenly Father like he is right there beside my bed.

The same things seem to happen every week, our little family moving along one learning step stone at a time. I am trying to be patient with my exhaustion and I am trying to clear my head of what I think should be so that I can see what the Lord sees. I am learning a lot about letting go and being in the moment with my children and my husband each day. Early next year I will have another baby and at some point I will start having more energy and I will be anxious to "do" more with my time. I hope that I will have learned what I need to at this time so as to make better use of my time spiritually and physically. We will at some point make enough money to support ourselves and that burden will be relieved as well. I hope that I will have learned, and that I will be grateful to my Father in Heaven for the blessings. I hope I don't forget. I hope I serve more, and love more. I hope that I can forever have His eternal perspective on my life.

1 comment:

Traci said...

great post, as always! chin up!