Friday, November 9, 2007

We moved!

We are now in Utah! We moved about three weeks ago. I still sometimes feel like I am visiting. It has been great being closer to family. I love living in a house. We are just renting, but it is wonderful!!!! Sometimes when I come home I forget to open the garage door. I am not used to that. Often I worry that Ray or I have the music up too loud and that it might be shaking the neighbors pictures. Or maybe the neighbors just heard me lose my patience. We have a backyard. For those of you who never saw our home in Boston our front yard was about the size of a door mat and our backyard was about the size of two door mats but just consisted of dirt. Aspen can ride her bike for longer than 5 seconds before having to move for a car. I have to "walk" to my neighbors. And last but not least I pay significantly less here to live than out in Boston. Fuji apples are affordable. Broccoli is $1.50/lb. Our electric bill was 1/3 of that in Boston. I have to say though right now I missing the fall foliage of the East Coast. They do good falls out there. It has been interesting to me b/c it really has been bitter sweet moving. There are so many amazing things out east. But there are some really great advantages to living here. So it is that we will move forward making memories and enjoying our time here.

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