Monday, November 10, 2008

Being Private

I already feel better in going private. I am not sure why though, but I will take it. I am sad that I lost all my links to all the blogs I like to read...I guess I will just have to stay up late some night trying to find them all again...if I was really smart I would have saved the addresses somewhere..but that is if I was really smart...

We went to the final BYU home game on Saturday and celebrated my nieces 8th birthday while we were down. My sister-in-law was the bravest soul of all that day for she watched 9 children 6 and under so that Ray, Aspen and I as well as Steph, Sunny and Craig could all go to the game. She scored many blessings that day I am sure of it.

I feel very peaceful today. Could be the result of a blessing I got yesterday :) My house is a wreck from being gone all day three days in row. The kids are arguing over toothpaste and Alexa is wrestling a dump truck UP the stairs and squealing all the while not winning and yet I feel so calm. We are still waiting to hear from Lutron. Oh wait...I have not yet revealed that little token of a treat have I? Well about two weeks ago we interviewed with Lutron and it went really well, and the last we heard from them is that we needed to wait for them to contact us about "the next step". Here is the really exciting would take us back to PA. How do we feel about that you may ask? Peaceful...we know the Lord will take care of us and if that means us moving back across the country then so be it. Life is grand with all its twists and turns. It definitely keeps you on your toes.

So here at the Griffin home we are private and peaceful :)


rebecca said...

PA could be nice. I'm sure things will work out well for your sweet family.

Janalee said...

WOW! PA, I would wiss you... even though we are a state away, you FEEL so close! But of course whatever is best for you guys!! Exciting :) Keep us posted!

Anna said...

I hope you end up back here....I miss you! Keep me posted;) I have been praying for you all!!