Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Toothfairy

So why is it so exciting to lose a tooth? I don't know. I just know it is. Well I am not losing any teeth...I hope. Aspen lost another tooth tonight. It was not her first and definitely not her last, but still so exciting. But really it just cracks me up. All the yanking and tugging and pulling and then the bleeding (yuck!) but still we squeal in delight that we have freed this thing from its rightful spot b/c now that it has been evicted we can get MONEY!!! Actually our toothfairy brings "prizes". Usually a dollar, but in addition there are treats or something fun as a reward for a succesful yank. And my favorite part as the mother is getting to look at the vacant spot over and over and over again. Do you remember as kid walking around sticking your tongue in the back part of your partially loosened tooth and then after it was gone that hole was the new parking spot for your tongue? Isn't great to relive all the moments of being a kid with your kids? I hope I have this much fun with all of them as they lose their teeth. I am not good at math but with four kids that is alot of teeth fallen out. Good luck with that Miss or Mr Toothfairy!

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