Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My tonsils are officially gone. Those and my adenoids. The doc told Ray that infection oozed from them when he removed them. Such a great image. Well guess that answers the question of whether or not the surgery was a good idea. I am drugged so I am can't make any promises to how coherent this post will be. The recovery isn't as bad as I thought. With that said it isn't my favorite either. It is like having really really really bad strep throat. I can't talk. I can't brush my teeth. I can't eat, well I slurp eat because I can't really open my mouth. And I definitely can't sleep. I have made it through day 2 though and I am hopeful that I will continue to make it through other days. The doc said it gets worse right before the scabs (such a yucky word) come off. I have asked the Lord to be merciful and to spare me any vomiting or excruciating pain. I can do discomfort and maybe some pain, but excruciating is where I draw the line. The Lord in my blessing on Monday night said that my recovering would be quick and that it would not be as I have heard so many say it is. I believe him. I am not so naive to think I will feel nothing, but I believe that he can bless me so that the pain or discomfort is doable. He, the Lord, always tells me if I am going to need to pull up my bootstraps, and that isn't what he said, so I am grateful. When I have a bit more of my wits about me I will have to divulge the whole probably really boring story. But every one loves a good ol' boring surgery story, especially about oozing tonsils!!

1 comment:

Nick and Terryn said...

Oh, I am glad that your surgery went good! Nick had his tonsils removed a few years ago and it was hard on him- but he felt SO much better once they were out! I hope your recovery goes well. Let me know if there is anything you need!

P.S.-I read in your last post that you are becoming a trainer! That is awesome! My mom actually became a personal trainer about a year ago and she LOVES it! She actually has a blog about some of her training stuff... it's