Monday, March 29, 2010

First we got a new/used Yukon XL. LOVE IT!!! We traded in Ray's Tahoe and got that and we will be getting him a commuter car tomorrow. It seats nine, and it just feels so nice to be in that instead of a van.

We also turned off cable. Off, nada, zilch. It has been wonderful. We have "missed" Idol, Biggest Loser and the Duggars, but my life doesn't feel any less. I like that we just don't have that option. With out even realizing it you just find other things to do, things that always have needed to get done but would get ignored with the excuse of "I just want to relax for a bit". Television isn't actually relaxation. It is having something else babysit your mind. I realized that particular point on Thursday. The kids were watching a movie while I was upstairs. A very strong impression came to me that ultimately having them watch a movie was not good for their spirits. It was a distraction. They weren't learning. They didn't have to think, or engage. I felt strongly that in addition to no cable we needed to take a hiatus from movie's as well. Ray and I prayed about it and we have decided to follow that counsel. I am sure to some that seems drastic. Many of my decisions in my life have seemed drastic. Namely last year when I cut everything off just as the Lord had asked me. I fear the Lord more than I fear any one's opinion.

When I went to him last year with my "concerns" about not having contact with friends the thought that immediately came to my mind was of Lot's wife. I knew the Lord was asking me to not long for those things that presented me with no eternal value. The Lord knows what is best for me and my family. His standards, his thoughts, his request are not of this world.

I asked my children this question when I informed them of our decision. What would happen if you never saw another movie? or any television? Nothing bad. Your mind will be more free for thoughts from the Lord, more time for pondering, more time for reading, more time for learning, more time for things that count. Just in these past four days I have seen a difference.

As far as computer games. Saturday only with an appropriate time limit. Sounds strict huh? Confining? If you are feeling that way I would like to ask you the same questions I have asked and do ask myself. What is your salvation worth to you? Have you ever asked the Lord what he needs you to give up right now so that you can be closer to him? Have you ever asked him what worldly interest you have that interfere with your spiritual growth? Would you be willing to walk away from them if he asked? The Lord when counseling the twelve apostles asked them to renounce their worldly interests. (Jesus the Christ, Elder James E Talmage) Maybe we aren't apostles, but aren't we all trying to be closer to our Savior?

Interests, preferences, things that we enjoy are not in and of themselves distractions. It is our dedication to them that can be. When they come before our Lord and our family. When we sacrifice time for scripture study, temple attendance and even time with our family to selfishly pursue our interests. There is such a fine balance with it all, but I know the Lord knows each of us personally and can help us find that eternal balance. I know that if he asks us to give up something it isn't to torture us. It is because he wants to help us grow, to gain a clearer eternal perspective and to ultimately become more like him.

Maybe one day we will have television and movies again. Maybe not. I will not however pine away for something that is not. I will pray for perspective, to be able see what he wants me to learn. And enjoy the opportunity to grow closer to my Savior and my family.

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