Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Next week I am having my tonsils yanked out. I am nervous but peaceful. I prayed about it a lot. I know that the Lord will be with me and that I will be at peace, but I know too that there will be pain. I have had five c-sections. Those don't scare me. Mainly because I get this really cute little being that calls me mommy for forever. I can endure that pain in the name of motherhood. I am not sure how my approach to this pain will be :) I won't be bringing the tonsils home. The doc said this kind of thing is really hard for adults. More so for men than women :) but still hard. Pray for me please. Pray that I can endure it well. He said people usually lose weight with this type of surgery. Sweet! That's one bonus of living off Popsicles for a week or more. I am hopeful for a smooth recovery and anxious to see how it all works out with me being on Loritab. I am very sensitive to drugs so things could get exciting!

I am finished for the most part with my nutritionist certifications, I just need to get my CPR/AED certification. Now I switch my focus to finishing up my personal training cert. And I have decided I actually want to go to school and get my degree in Exercise Science. One day ultimately I want to be a doctor. It might not be for another ten years, but you can bet on your boots that it will happen. One day at time.

I am loving doing the P90X. Really good work outs. I feel it every time. My favorites are the plyometrics and the legs/back work outs. My goal is to be able to do 30 regular push-ups with out going to my knees and to do 10 pull-ups unassisted. I have checked the crystal ball and can see it in my future :) Bring it!!


ellen said...

I had my tonsils out at 13 which was worse than if I had been a little kid. It was rough but a lot of popsicles and rest helped.

Andrae said...

yeah I have heard from a lot people how hard it is...I am preparing myself for the worst...I have a pre-op on Monday and the doc could very well say that he wants to wait a bit and see...see what I am not sure...but I am keeping my "options" open :) always an adventure!