Friday, June 25, 2010

It was short lived relief. I should have known. It was wonderful though. Heavenly almost. I was able to keep food down for a full 24 hours. And then it was like a switch went, and my body didn't care about the consistent electrical pulses being sent to my brain. I lost it, literally, there wasn't much to lose but it was evidence enough that the band was no longer working. Oh well, there is always Zofran and Phenergan. My only vice really with those is how sleepy I get when taking them. Dead to the world sleepy. My kids did okay today though while I lay pasted out on the couch. They played on the floor beside me. My older ones said they knew I needed to sleep so they played with the little ones so I could rest. Good kids. Amazing really. Aspen loads the dish washer, Alora vacuums. Even baby Ray gets in on the action and "teaches" Alexa where to put her things. My house is still very much in disarray, but the husband comes home Monday night and he has promised to restore things to a more comfortable way.

Is it sad that I won't miss this part of my life? I have enjoyed being pregnant, giving birth, and being a mother of a wee one. But I won't miss this. I won't miss diapers. Will I? I will miss the smells, sounds and excitement of watching a little person grow. I won't miss being sick. I've had a good run. :) I never imagined feeling this way. Never wanting to be pregnant again. I have heard people say it and have wondered if I would ever feel that. Well here we are. Six pregnancies. I am okay with being done now. If the Lord tells me to have more then I will, but I don't want to do this sick thing any more. I am sure he understands. I know he does. The thing is really I feel done. I feel like everyone will be here. I think that is why I can't imagine doing it again. I feel like I am crossing another one of my life's finish lines. And I feel good about my "run".

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