Sunday, September 28, 2008

An Answer

I have spent many hours in prayer asking my heavenly Father to help me see who I am. Who I am through his eyes. Today as I sat up on the stand substituting for a primary teacher during the sacrament program I saw it. So clearly was brought to my mind a part of my patriarchal blessing. I have read it a million times but never like this moment had I connected to it. I could see what my purpose was, for now at least :) I could see what the Lord sees in me. I would share it but it so personal. It was beautiful moment though. I felt invigorated and excited for the opportunity to improve on something that I didn't even realize was with in me. I probably will never be famous for it, and no one will probably ever know, but it doens't bother me because the most important person will know. I love that prayers are answered. I know every time my heart talks to my Father in heaven he is there. He hears me. And he always answers.


Anna said...

what a wonderful post. So glad that Heavenly Father answered your prayers;)

Kami Su said...

Love you drae.

Janalee said...

I'm always amazed at your ability to "listen" and be teachable in those moments...