Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Utah State Fair

Yesterday we went to the Utah State Fair. We got in for $2 with this huge group of other homeschoolers! It has been a while since I have been to a fair so it was fun to be there with the kids and see their reactions. Ray's sister Steph was there with her husband and their 4 girls, and Rach came with her 3 girls. Next time we do something together though we are thinking we will have all the kids wear a similar color, 11 kids is tricky to keep up with!
There is this 'thing', for lack of a better word, called "Little Hands on the Farm". The kids walk through and learn about life on a farm. The kids really enjoyed it.
They got to milk a cow

...plant some 'seeds'

get eggs from some chickens

and some pictures I didn't post were of them riding john deere trikes, feeding a cow, picking some veggies from the garden, getting wool from a sheep, and then trading in all that they had picked or harvested for money and buying a treat.

Then we headed to look at the animals. Aspen has been telling me everyday how she wants to have a farm. So this fair just added fuel to the dream.

This chicken...yes it is a chicken...a very FLUFFY chicken...was my favorite!!!

LOVE!!!! This bunny...they were selling for pocket change.... $100 :)

at the end of the day we splurged for all you can eat ice cream from the dairy farmers of Utah...you can't eat as much as you think...but what we could eat was delicious!!!!!!!!!!

just a cute picture of these fire cracker cousins


Anna said...

I love the fair and that one looks like so much fun!!!! :)

rebecca said...

What a fun outing! My kids would have a ball there.