Monday, September 1, 2008

Fall is official

Last spring we purchased season tickets to the BYU football games. We went to our first game on Saturday. Unfortunately we were having so much fun that I didn't take any pictures. We bought three tickets so each game we can bring one of the older girls. Aspen came this time. She really liked the idea of getting treats, the game was a little hard to follow :) She loved the cheering and the music. She loved the Cougarettes and Cosmos. At one point when a player was down she started to cry b/c she thought he was dead. The last half hour was really tough on her, but she was triumphant in the end as were the Cougars. I look forward to more games and more memories. I love football. I love the crisp air, which actually wasn't on Saturday. (it was really hot!!)I don't know much about football but I know enough to know when to cheer and when to gasp in dismay. I wanted to wear a hat but the only one I had was my Texas Longhorns hat. You can be loyal to two can't you? I did run into a couple of guys wearing their UT shirts though. All in all a great day! Can't wait to do it again!!!


Darcee said...

Fall definitely means football. We've been watching all weekend (but only on TV). How fun to go to the games! You must love being close to family, too. How cool that Ray gets to come home for lunch! You must love that!

Kami Su said...

I got out of the habit of checking your blog often it hadn't changed it a long time. And now you are bloggin' Queen. S-w-e-e-t! I am excited to read up, I came down to start in the older posts first. But where do you sit at the games? We'll be at every one too. Maybe we can say "hello"???