Monday, October 20, 2008

It snowed and some other stuff

So this first picture is from last week. On Thursday we had lots of family over to watch BYU get creamed...I forgot to take pictures but I am kinda glad I didn't because they would be very sad ones. On Friday Gramps and the kiddos made a movie so this is them sitting around watching it on the computer.

It snowed last Sunday...lots of Monday morning, first thing literally, the kids rushed out to play in it...

I am sad this picture is a little blurry...I think the kids look really cute...

I have noticed that since I have been taking so many pictures of still things to practice my photography I haven't been taking as many of the kids because well they are not that still :)
I am sure I will figure something out though...

1 comment:

rebecca said...

That last picture is nice. Cute family!