Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What a morning!!!

So today I am on the phone with my sister in law and I walk up to my kitchen I glance out the window over my sink and notice there are two boys hauling it out of my bishop's backyard. I hang up with her and I call Raym. I tell him what I saw, and that I think someone broke into the bishop's house, and would it be weird if I called to check on Lynette. He says no, so I call. I tell her I am sorry to bother her but I just saw two boys with hoodie's sprinting from her house and it may sound weird but was she robbed? She says that yes infact those boys just tried to break in. My heart jumped to my chest. I ask if she is ok. She says the cops are coming, well in fact they are there now. So I do what any good neighbor would do. I throw my kids in the van to go hunt down those punks. What would I do if I found them you ask? Beat them and then call the cops - in my ideal world at least! The idea that some self absorb punk kid would try to break into one my friend's home just gets my blood boiling. How cool are they? Breaking into someone's home to steal what they are too lazy to work for...whatever...break into my house lets see how far it gets ya! I drove all around Syracuse I couldn't find them. I have give props though to the Syracuse police, when I left my neighborhood to do my own search and squash, there were a gazillion cops around. It made me feel good to see that so many took it seriously. I saw one cop walking through the near by corn field. After a bit of driving around I came home. I called Lynette to make sure she was ok. She said the cop needed to talk to me to confirm which way the kids went and what they were wearing. She said she was doing good. For those of you curious how the attempted break in went I will share what she said. She said they started ringing the doorbell like 20 times in a row, as she was walking to answer it she just felt something was weird about it. Then they started pounding on the door and ringing the doorbell. So she didn't answer because it seemed so weird. Then the two boys went around the back patio door and attempted to open it, she peaked through the blinds and saw one of them looking for something heavy on the ground to throw through the door. She then opened the blinds and yelling asked them what they thought they were doing. She got a good look at their faces and then they ran off. That is when I see them running across the lawn and down the street. Had she not been home they would have broken in. Why her house? I don't know. As she said it is one of the more modest homes in neighborhood. After speaking with her I called the officer. He just wanted to confirm that I saw them running, what they were wearing and what direction they went. I thanked him for the great response that I saw with all the officers around. He said they had set up a perimeter but came up with nothing, and that they would check the local schools to see who had skipped class.

CRAZY!!! just CRAZY!!! my neighborhood is so calm. It truly has been just such peaceful place to live. I have felt for the most part really safe. I guess I still do :) I have a gun...and yes if you know me even an inkling you have to know I would use it...I have vowed to never be a result of some selfish souls bad day...you won't shoot me, hurt me, rob me, punish me or anyone near to me because you are having a bad day, can't control your passions or are mad about something that some therapy could probably take care of...

I am so grateful that those kids just ran away, and that nothing happened to Lynette. Stay close to the spirit, keep your doors locked and make it look like some one is home. She did say that with her blinds closed and with no visible signs of occupancy it could have made her home more of a target.


Jude said...

Holy cow that is so crazy! I don't know what I would do. So scary, makes you remember that just because we live in Utah we are not immune to crime. You want to be trusting of people, but that's just not the world we live in. It's a good thing you were home!

Beckie said...

That is scary! Our neighbor said someone tried to break into her house the other night ( a few weeks ago). Strange.

You are way brave lady!